Twelfth Night

By Watermill Theatre Saturday 20th May, York Theatre Royal   After seeing this company’s production of Romeo and Juliet (which you can read my review of here) as part of York Shakespeare Festival on Tuesday, I was looking forward to seeing their version of Twelfth Night on Saturday afternoon – but boy, I was not […]

Romeo and Juliet

By Watermill Theatre Tuesday 16th May, York Theatre Royal   This week is York Shakespeare festival, and as an ex-drama student and theatre lover, there was no way I could not indulge in some Shakespeare and still look myself in the eye everyday (which I love to do, intensely, every morning). So I bit the […]

In Tents and Purposes

By Viscera Theatre Wednesday 26th April, York Theatre Royal   Some excellent Edinburgh Fringe reviews including the promise of a laugh-out-loud funny, clever, female-led hour of silliness seduced me enough to drag DanielManiel to the Theatre Royal on a chilly mid-week night in April; and we weren’t disappointed. A time-hopping tale that follows the course […]